All our Classical and Nylon String guitars have a 15 foot spherical radius on the soundboard. This makes the soundboard very stiff-nearly as stiff as a double top, but without the harsh, brittle tone that often comes with a double top. The sound is loud and powerful, but the tone is very sweet, pleasing, and well balanced.
Classical Guitar

This is one of our classical guitars. This instrument has an Englemann spruce top with Granadillo sides and back. It has a top and a back bevel, with a cutaway scoop. The bindings, bevels and scoop are made with Macassar ebony. The nut width is 50mm, and the fingerboard has a 20" radius. All these features are customizable.

Nylon String OM

This is our Nylon String OM. It is also known as a "crossover" guitar. It was designed for the steel string player who likes the sound of nylon strings, but doesn't like the feel of a classical (wide neck, 12 frets to the body, etc.).It has the feel of a steel string (14 frets to the body, narrower neck than a classical (1 7/8"), and a steel-string shaped body). This particular instrument has an Englemann spruce top, amazon rosewood sides and back, with macassar ebony bindings and bevels, and very low action.